Use the PBOManager to import the "config.bin" file back into the server's PBO file (exile_server_config.pbo). Use the cfgConvert programm to convert the "config.cpp" file back to "config.bin". Replace KAPPAchangeMeKAPPA with another password of your choosing.Īlso edit the line IReadAndModifiedThisByMyWishes = 0 and change the value to 1: IReadAndModifiedThisByMyWishes = 1. Open the created "config.cpp" file with an text editor and edit the following lines: serverPassword="KAPPAchangeMeKAPPA". The programm also ships with a GUI if you so desire. There is a detailed explanation about the usage on the download page. Use the cfgConvert programm to convert the "config.bin" file to "config.cpp". Extract and copy the "config.bin" file to your PC's desktop. The path should be: config.bin Open the "exile_server_config.pbo" file (directory: with the PBOManager programm. Upload the folder the the server's ressource directory (folder: arma3). Upload the files listed below from the folder to the server's "arma3" directory:.
Upload every file from the "BattlEye" folder to the /arma3/config/battleye/ directory on the server. The respective paths are: /arma3/keys/ and /arma3/mpmissions/. Migrate the folders "keys" and "mpmissions" with those already on the server. Unzip the downloaded "ExileServer-0.9.19.zip" archive.
The path should look like this: / upload the server files. Upload the to the resource directory of your Gameserver (folder: arma3). Unzip the downloaded "Exile-0.9.19.zip" archive. Client files: Server files: / upload the client files.
In order to join the server, the Exile mod files need to be installed on the PC too.
The mod's client and server files can be downloaded from the official website. Possibility 2: Open the server's Webinterface > Game Management > Install ArmA 3. Possibility 1: > Order Service > Publicserver Basic > Game "ArmA 3" > Order now. The following steps explain how to install the Exile modification on a normal ArmA 3 Gameserver: This guide is written to work with the version Exile 0.9.19 (BANANA).